Saturday, November 27, 2010

I wanna hold your hand. Wanna hold mine too?

Okay  so just to be honest  I am in a shite  mood  today. This  post will not be  a happy one.

Have   you ever  had  all  your hard work and happy memories  just  disappear  without a  trace?  I reckon  it feels a photo album of  your childhood   being burned... sure  you remember  it (or most of  it anyway)  but that pile  of  ash ...

So  this  morning I wake  up  and  go to  my bookmarks  of  our  RPG's (Role play games)  on   and I see that   a lot of things  are missing.  Now I admit I thought  we had  been hacked and someone was  deleting our topics . Then I  eased  my mind  by assuming the site was  spazzing ,  Like  it does  every weekend,  and started   poking the refresh  button  to death. Then I decided to take a look at  the sites  homepage and my  good jolly mood was  officially  thrown  out the window because  of this

November 26th, 2010 -- Please note at 1AM US Pacific (PST) time, we will perform several matainance actions which will result in the temporary downtime of forum posting for about 30 minutes. 

We will also at this time introduce an auto-delete feature of removing PM message with send timestamp of older than 9 months. The 9 months freshness limit will be enforced for both PM messages and forum topics to ensure fast response time for these systems. 

For perspective, there are 17 million pm messages currently in the system and we need a self-cleaning system to move forward. 

Lastly, both forums and pm/private messaging feature will come to the mobile site within a couple of days.

So that was it... just like that ,  any of  the rpg  topics  that hadn't been posted in since March 23rd 2010 had  been deleted... 

nearly 5  years  of  storyline  and  hard work and  memories  were now  non-existent.  Not to mention  that  most of these  topics  were still  being  used in the RPG .

Now as  a loyal member of this  site and as a  writer  I feel as though they slapped me in the  face.  And I cant do anything about it because we can never  get  them back.

For those who don't understand the  severity  of this  post or why I am in a bad mood  you have  to   understand : Our imaginations  were invested in this, our love  was invested in this , we spent years  putting this  together and  building OUR characters , OUR  story. And now that story  is for the most part ( as in Topics  that  haven't been posted in since March 23rd)  are  Gone  Forever. 

But ,as  the Late  Great Albus  Dumbledore once said :

'Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.'

So here I am  groping for a  light  switch in this  darkness.

Seems as though the  best option  is  to save what we have, and keep on  truckin' .

You have  to remember and keep it in your heart  that  this  was  just a  sad  moment  in our lives.  We have learned from it and must  build up instead of giving  up.  I'm  not giving  up, and I  hope no one else will either.

After all  , Hope is faith holding out its hand in the dark.” 


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