Then this
So naturally I cant help but wonder. What the Hell happened??? DID YOU KNOW : Mooses shed the velvet on their horns ( quite brutally , mind you, this is what it looks like before we see the beautiful smooth antlers that they have grown. Cant have beauty with out pain ... or whatever that saying is :P)
Also apparently male moose's (bulls) dig small holes and have killer aim when it comes to and I quote " Urinating extravagantly" into said hole. Then get this... The female Moose's (Cows) battle each other (cat fight :P) to roll around in the Bulls pee and show they want to mate by "excreting perfumes" onto the male. ... Talk about marking territory. and here I thought Hickeys were bad :P.
But over all moses are pretty amazing minus the few strange , painful looking habits. I liked this documentary a lot and have a new found respect for moose.
That's pretty hectic but fascinating indeed!!